A woman filming a documentary on childhood rape victims starts to question the nature of her childhood relationship with her riding instructor and running coach
A deep cover operative awakens to find himself imprisoned in a CIA black site on a submarine.
A social satire in which a man realizes he would have a better life if he were to shrink himself to five inches tall, allowing him to live in wealth and splendor.
A gritty crime saga which follows the lives of an elite unit of the LA County Sheriff's Dept. and the state's most successful bank robbery crew as the outlaws plan a seemingly impossible heist on the Federal Reserve Bank
12 Strong tells the story of the first Special Forces team deployed to Afghanistan after 9/11; under the leadership of a new captain, the team must work with an Afghan warlord to take down the Taliban
A troubled woman living in an isolated community finds herself pulled between the control of her oppressive family and the allure of a secretive outsider suspected of a series of brutal murders. Guided by their families, they enter the perilous word of politics and, in the process, learn a thing or two about love.
Kur vëllai i tij i rrëmbyer kthehet, në dukje një burrë tjetër pa kujtime për 19 ditët e fundit, Jin-seok ndjek të vërtetën pas rrëmbimit misterioz.
Steven, a charismatic surgeon, is forced to make an unthinkable sacrifice after his life starts to fall apart, when the behavior of a teenage boy he has taken under his wing turns sinister.

As a math savant uncooks the books for a new client, the Treasury Department closes in on his activities, and the body count starts to rise.

Një nënë beqare në vitet 1970 rrit dy vajzat e saj dhe përfshihet në tregtinë e paligjshme të drogës për të bërë një jetë më të mirë.
Ylli profesionist i volejbollit në plazh, Kelly Reyes, përballet me sfida çdo ditë dhe i pushton të gjitha derisa takon një burrë të caktuar.
Kur terroristët rrëmbejnë një aeroplan nga Chennai, një komando NSG i është besuar operacionet e shpëtimit. Së shpejti, terroristët zbarkojnë avionin, i cili përfshin një ministër dhe një aktor të lartë, në Tirupati.

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